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6 v 6 Dodgeball Rules

  • Remember, this is a social league. Chill attitudes are always welcomed. So, meet some new people, and have a good time.

  • There should be equal playing time for all players, regardless of gender.

  • You always need your team T-Shirts. They are our only way of identifying you and not having them hurts your team’s ranking!

  • Please treat our referees with respect.

  • Any aggressive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in suspension or expulsion from our leagues; let’s avoid that.

  • Please be on time. We recommend showing up at least 10 minutes early to avoid any confusion and the chance of Forfeiting.


Overly Competitive Players

All Texas Sports & Social Club leagues are intended to be recreational. Any player deemed to be excessively competitive and/or overly aggressive may be removed from competition at the discretion of Texas Sports official or game day coordinator.


Sportsmanship Rating:


Teams will be awarded a sportsmanship grade based on their conduct:


  • A (4.0) - Above and Beyond Conduct and Sportsmanship

  • B (3.0) - Good Conduct and Sportsmanship

  • C (2.0) - Average Conduct and Sportsmanship

  • D (1.0) - Below Average Conduct and Sportsmanship

  • F (0.0) - Poor Conduct and Sportsmanship


Teams must maintain a 2.5 AVERAGE in order to be ELIGIBLE for the playoffs

Once in playoffs, the team must maintain a 2.5 average in order to remain in playoffs 


Number of Players


  • 6 players (minimum of 3 player from each gender) 

  • If a team is short of the required number of players in a specific gender, they may play down.

  • A team must have a minimum of 4 players to start.  

  • Any team with only 1 player from a gender participating must play down with a maximum of player at 3 from the other gender. Teams may not play with 0 (zero) players from a specific gender. The opposing team will play with up to maximum amount of players allowed on the court.




Substitutions from outside the division are allowed.

  • If a team is short the required number of players in a regular season game, they may invite players from outside the division. 

  • Substitutions from outside the division are allowed. Substitutions during the Playoffs are not permitted. Teams using pre-registered substitutes may not exceed the headcount of their original roster, and individuals may not serve as a pre-registered substitute player more than 3 times during a Season.

  • Teams can only invite enough Subs from outside the division to meet the maximum number of players allowed on court (4) plus one additional player to rotate in.

  • Substitute players from outside the division should be the last one to cycle into the game (barring gender requirements). If players from a team’s roster arrive late, the Subs from outside the division must rotate out.

  • Substitute players must check in with the Host onsite to receive a league issued pinnie to wear in the Game. Substitute players must leave a form of identification with the Host in exchange for the participation pinnie. The ID will be returned to the player when the pinnie is turned in after the Game.


Game Length and Structure


Each team will play one match each night consisting of best 3 of 5 games. The team with the most wins will win the match.


1 point for each match you win.

0 points if no matches won


LIVE Balls


Only LIVE balls can eliminate opposing players and only catching LIVE balls result in outs. Balls are LIVE when they are legally thrown.


DEAD Balls


All balls start games DEAD. Balls become DEAD in 5 ways:

  • A LIVE ball that hits anything other than an opposing player(s) or any other ball (including but not limited to, the floor, ceiling, wall, referee, a ball from another court, a basketball backboard).

  • A LIVE ball that the opponent catches (see Catch rule below)

  • A throw is ruled a headshot (see Headshot rule below)

  • A Referee pauses the game

  • A LIVE ball that leaves the court



Starting the Game: The Opening Rush and False Starts


Before the game, five (5) balls are placed along the center line. Six players (4 men and 2 women) line up with their feet touching the backline. The Referee signals and blows a whistle to start the game; permitting players the opportunity to approach the centerline to retrieve balls.


A false start occurs when a player leaves the backline prior to the Referee’s whistle. If a player commits a false start, his/her team forfeits one ball to their opponent and the opening rush is replayed with the remaining balls. The Referee holds the forfeited ball until the opening rush replay ends and distributes the ball to the opposing team to be cleared.


All balls obtained by players during the opening rush must be “cleared” before they can be legally thrown. To clear balls, players must either throw the ball past the backline to a waiting teammate or carry the ball past the backline. All cleared balls are LIVE and free to be thrown at opponents.


If a player throws a non-cleared ball, the ball is considered DEAD and is forfeited to the opposing team. DEAD balls that hit players do not result in outs, and any player hit by a DEAD or non-cleared ball will remain in the game.


If a player leaves his/her feet (slides) or places two feet across the centerline during the opening rush, he/she will be ruled out.


Simultaneous Possession (Jump Balls)


During the opening rush, if two opposing players both lay equal claim to balls on the centerline, the Referee will call a jump ball to prevent players from wrestling for the balls. The home team (as per the schedule) will receive possession of the first jump balls and possession of subsequent jump balls will alternate between teams for the remaining games of the match.


What is a Legal Throw?


A legally thrown ball is a LIVE ball and eligible to eliminate an opponent. A legal throw occurs when a player in bounds throws the ball in the air over the centerline within a 3-foot radius of an opposing player. The throw must be directed below the opposing player’s neck (see Headshot rule below). It is not legal to “pinch the ball” or for a player to spin around in circles prior to releasing the ball (tornado throw).

Rolling the ball to the opposing team is not permitted.



What’s an Out?

Most outs require a LIVE ball to be in play.


Hit by a LIVE Ball

  • When a LIVE ball hits a player of the opposing team below the neck, the hit player is out. Note: all clothing is considered part of the body, so if you are wearing a cape for theatrics (encouraged) or a jacket with fringes for rockin’ style and the ball hits your cape or your fringes, you will be called out.

  • When a LIVE ball hits a player on the opposing team, deflects off of that player and hits another player on the opposing team and then becomes DEAD by hitting the ground, the wall, the ceiling, or leaves the court boundaries, both hit players are out. Note: If a teammate of the hit player(s) catches the ball before it hits the ground, the wall, the ceiling, or leaves the court boundaries, the hit players are “saved” and the person who threw the ball is out.


Catching a LIVE Ball

  • When a player on the opposing team catches a LIVE ball, the player who threw it is out.

  • When a player on an opposing team successfully deflects a LIVE ball with DEAD ball in his/her possession and the deflected ball is caught by a teammate before it become DEAD (hits the ground, the wall, the ceiling, another player, or leaves the court boundaries), it is considered a catch and the player who threw the ball is out.




Players may use DEAD balls to deflect LIVE balls.

  • If a LIVE thrown ball hits a DEAD ball that is being held by a player, no one is out.

  • When a player on an opposing team attempts to deflect a LIVE ball with another ball in his/her possession and loses control of the original ball when the LIVE ball hits it, the player who lost control of the ball used for deflection is out. Note: Players holding onto a DEAD ball for deflection purposes may choose to drop the ball so as to catch the oncoming ball from the opposing team, but this must be a clear drop. In these cases, the catching player is safe and the player who threw the caught ball is out.

  • When a player on an opposing team successfully deflects a LIVE ball with another ball in his/her possession and the deflected ball hits a teammate before it becomes DEAD (hits the ground, the wall, the ceiling, another player, or leaves the court boundaries), the teammate who was hit by the deflected ball is out. Note: Be careful of friendly fire! Watch out for where you are sending your deflections.




When a LIVE ball hits or could have hit a player on the opposing team anywhere above the neck, it is considered a “headshot”. Players must be in his/her normal playing position for the headshot rule to apply. The headshot rule does not apply if players dodge a ball or intentionally putting your head in the path of the ball. Referees have the final say whether or not a throw is a headshot or not.

  • Any players that throw a headshot, intentional or otherwise, will be considered “out” and the person who was hit will stay in the game.

  • If you block a headshot with your hands, you will not be out – but this must be a clearly distinguishable defensive move. We always err on the side of safety, so we’ll lean towards calling headshots even in close calls.



Out of Bounds


  • During play, all players must remain in bounds. This is defined as having two feet within the sidelines and one foot behind the centerline. Dodging a ball by stepping out of bounds is not allowed, and the player will be ruled out. Note: Players may leave the boundaries to retrieve stray balls but if you’re hit with a LIVE ball, you’re out.

  • A ball thrown from outside the boundary line is considered a DEAD ball. Note: If a DEAD ball thrown from out of bound is caught, the person who threw the ball is out.

  • Players that get hit can catch their own deflection outside of the boundary line and stay in the game. This is called “Saving Yourself.” Teammates may not go out of bounds to save a teammate and are limited to catching the deflection inside the boundary line to keep the player in the game.

  • No player may go onto the opposing team’s side of the gym to get a ball that has been thrown.

  • If a player places two feet across the centerline at any point in the game, he/she will be ruled out.

  • Stay on your side of the court during game play. Crossing the centerline is considered an act of aggression by our Staff and, in our organization, is like trying to start a fight. Do it and you get the boot from the building! We like you, so don’t make us turn this car around.


Too Many Players on the Court

When a team has too many players on the court, that team will lose the extra players they have in the game as well as one more player as a penalty.


Shot Clock

  • Teams in possession of the majority of the balls have 10 seconds to legally throw at least one (1) of the balls across the centerline (See, What is a Legal throw?). Referees start the shot clock the moment they have established which team must throw. If, after 10 seconds, none of the team’s players have legally thrown a ball, all of the players holding balls are out.

  • When a team throws a ball, but the Referee rules that the throw was not legal, the shot clock continues. Note: Illegal throws include rolling the ball, throwing the ball away, headshots, etc.


When is it My Turn to Throw?

It’s your turn to throw when…

  • Your team possesses more balls than your opponent’s team.

  • Both teams have 2 balls, but your team has the most on-court players.*

  • Both teams have an equal number of players and balls, you’re required to throw because both teams are required to throw.*

*Balls often leave the courts during play. The above criteria apply when balls are inaccessible for a length of time.


On the Safe Side

  • If you are holding a ball when you get hit “out” and retaliate by throwing the ball in your possession at the other team, you will be suspended for the next game of the match.

  • Shoulder checking and intentional or unintentional contact of any kind during the opening rush is not allowed and may result immediate ejection from the game without warning.


Cycling In


If you catch a ball thrown by your opponent within the boundary lines, a member of your team who is “out” may return to the game. Note: All players not on the court must stand behind the boundary line in the middle of the gym to wait for the opportunity to cycle in.

Teams have discretion over who cycles in – with these exceptions:

  • There may never be more than four (4) men on the court per team

  • Substitute players from other teams must cycle in last

  • A team loses the right to cycle in if they fail to put a player on the court within ten (10) seconds.


Halftime Games and Theme Weeks

Halftime games are judged by the official, and the winning team will be awarded two points towards the Social Cup Champion Award. Ties will result in one points being awarded.


Theme weeks are judged by the percentage of the team’s players participating in the theme week, as judged by the ratio of players present and participating to number of players listed on the roster. The winning team will be awarded two points towards the Social Cup Champion Award. Ties will result in one points being awarded.



Game balls will be provided by Texas Sport & Social Club.



Officials (if applicable; see specific league for details.) 

Some leagues are self refereed. For self refereed leagues the League Coordinator will have the last word.




Teams should report to the sand court at least 10 minutes before their scheduled starting time of the match. A game will be ruled a forfeit if any of the following occur:

  • No one from one of the teams is present at game time

  • The minimum number of players are not present (3)

  • Not enough female players are present (1)

  • Improper conduct by one or more players on any team


See Forfeit Policy


Teams will forfeit the first game of the match if they have not shown up by their scheduled time. After 10 minutes from start time, if the team still cannot meet the minimum requirement, the entire match will be called a forfeit and team will be assessed the forfeit fee. Exceptions can be made if a team is waiting on a couple of players (e.g. transit issues) with the understanding that the delay will cut time from the end of their match, and that the final decision is subject to the Referee’s discretion.


Repeat Rule:

Competition is great, but a single team dominating the league consecutive seasons is not cool and not fun.



A team retaining more than three players that has won two championships seasons for which they have been registered, that team to will have to form two or more separate teams to promote balance in the league or withdraw their registration (no refund will be issued, league credit will be issued). The team will then have the opportunity to divide their roster (with no more than three retaining players) to form two separate teams with each subsequent roster approved by the Texas Sports & Social Club-Waco.


Teams that dominate leagues will be moved to a appropriate league or asked to separate if Texas Sports & Social Club staff believe that the team intentionally lost the Playoff or Championship game to circumvent the rules.


Season Abandonment

Registered teams that miss two weeks of play will be considered to have abandoned their place in the league. Teams in this category will be contacted by a Texas Social Sports Club staff member to confirm their status. Teams failing to respond within two business days will be removed from the Season schedule and will forfeit their registration fees. Teams that do respond will be required to supply reasoning for lack of attendance and petition the league for reinstatement. Season abandonment and reactivation decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the league management and must be resolved before returning to play in the current Season or in subsequent Seasons.


Pre-Registered Player Substitute

A team may pick up a substitute player for regular season games, when the have a roster player that will not be able to attend their scheduled game. The player who is subbing will need to create an account and purchase a game sub pack. 


  • If a team is short the required number of players in a regular season game, they may invite players from other teams within the division. Subs from within the division are subject to the Referee’s discretion. Teams can only invite enough Subs from within the division to meet the maximum number of players allowed on court plus one additional player to rotate in.

  • Substitute players from within the division should be the last one to cycle into the game (barring gender requirements). If players from a team’s roster arrive late, the Subs from within the division must rotate out.

  • Substitutions from outside the division are allowed. Substitutions during the Playoffs are not permitted. Teams using pre-registered substitutes may not exceed the headcount of their original roster, and individuals may not serve as a pre-registered substitute player more than 3 times during a Season.

  • Substitute players must check in with the Host onsite to receive a league issued pinnie to wear in the Game. Substitute players must leave a form of identification with the Host in exchange for the participation pinnie. The ID will be returned to the player when the pinnie is turned in after the Game.


Team T-Shirts

Teams may purchase TXSportsWaco shirts or design their own.  All teams must bring a light color and dark color shirt.  All official players on the roster must have the same color shirt.


While shirt customization is allowed, teams/players must abide by the following rules when personalizing shirts:

  • No company names or logos

  • No offensive language

  • No design that obscures or alters the Texas Social Sports Club logo

Names, nicknames, numbers, and team logos are all welcome additions to the Team T-Shirts. Please also feel free to bedazzle, tie-dye, or apply patches to them, if you are so inclined.


Alcohol, Controlled Substance, and Safety Policy

Individuals (players, fans, or friends of players) will, at the discretion of Texas Social Sports Club, be ejected immediately if any of the following are true:

  • found bringing alcohol, weapons, or controlled substances to any venue or sponsor bar in use by Texas Social Sports Club

  • suspected of excessive pre-game alcohol consumption

  • suspected of abusing a controlled substance

  • deemed unruly or a danger to themselves or others at any time

Anyone who is ejected from one of our venues or sponsor bars will be required to petition the Club for reinstatement before participating in or attending any subsequent Texas Social Sports Club event.


These policies are in place for the safety, enjoyment, and continued camaraderie of all players, the sponsoring venues, sponsor bars, and the entire Club.


Note: Players must wear appropriate colored, league-issued Team T-Shirts during games.




Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Any participant that does not conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner will be removed from the game.


Types of Illegal Conduct:


Unsportsmanlike conduct includes the following:


-Arguing with an official or with other players.

-Abusive or insulting language to a player or official.

-Throwing the ball at another player in an unsportsmanlike manner.

-Abuse of the “honor system.”

-Harassing others

-Acting inappropriately when challenging a refs call

-Not maintaining an attitude that is consistent with Texas Sports SC’s core values


In the event of unsportsmanlike conduct the following penalties will be sequentially enforced:


1st SMH-Team captain has a talk with the individual, notifies the League Coordinator


2nd SMH- The League Coordinator has a talk with the individual and suspended for one game


3rd SMH-Individual switches to a different team of The League Coordinator’s choosing


4th SMH-Removal from league and/or club


Fighting: Fighting will result in a player’s permanent suspension from participation in Texas Sport & Social Club



Ejected Participants


Any ejected individual must get approval by Texas Social Sports Club prior to attending or participating in future Club games, leagues, or hosted events, including Post-Game Parties. Attempted participation without approval is subject to further penalties. Rulings may include, but are not limited to, probation, game/league suspension, or permanent expulsion.



THIS IS A SOCIAL LEAGUE: Have fun and make new friends. The game may or may not go your way!



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